Student Health-School Nurse

Student Health-School Nurse

Nurse’s Office

R.N. Mrs.

Hours: 8:55 am to 4:15 pm; Closed 12:30 pm to 1:15 pm for lunch

Office: (619) 710-2302

Fax: (619) 710-2354



Beginning January 1, 2016, parents or guardians who, because of personal beliefs, do not want their children to receive one or more immunizations required for entering school or child care must provide documentation specified by a new state law, also known as Assembly Bill 2109.

standardized exemption form that meets the requirements of Assembly Bill 2109 may be filled out by physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or naturopathic doctors.

For additional  information, go to el 1o. de enero de 2014, los padres o tutores que, por creencias personales, no quieren que sus hijos reciban una o más vacunas que se requieren para inscribirse en la escuela o en cuidados maternales, deben presentar una documentación especificada por una nueva ley estatal, conocida también como Ley de la Asamblea 2109  (Assembly Bill 2109). Una forma estandarizada de exenciónque cumple con los requerimientos de la Ley de la Asamblea 2109 (Assembly Bill 2109). Esta forma la pueden llenar los médicos, practicantes de enfermería, ayudantes de médicos, doctores en naturopatía. Para más información, visite

San Ysidro Health Center Mobile Health Services for Students

On campus Monday thru Wednesday from 8:30 am to 11:30 amOffers Minor Sick Visits, Immunizations, and Sports PhysicalsSee the School Nurse for registration, appointments and information Print and fill out the following forms to get your appointment withthe School Nurse Parent Letter SY Healt Center SYHS Consent Form SYHS Dental Consent FormSYHS Release FormSYHS HIPPA

Chula Vista Police(619) 691-5151
San Diego Police Dept(619) 531-2000
Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)(619) 265-8762
Battered Women/Casa de Paz(619) 234-3164
Child Abuse Hotline (CPPS)(800) 334-6000 (619) 560-2191
Crisis Team/CMH/Drug Hotline(619) 236-3339
Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.)(619) 584-1007
National AIDS Hotline1-800-922-AIDS
Poison Control Center1-800-222-1222
Alanon/Alateen(619) 296-2666
Homeless Shelters211

Health Information/Resources

What is For Lunch?  How Many Calories am I eating?

Go to

BIG Smiles Dental Group/Clinic will clean, apply fluoride and sealant to students at SYH Parental Consents available through Nurse’s Office Next Clinic:  April to December 14th., 2016

Free Dental CleaningSouthwestern College Dental Hygiene Clinic980 National City BlvdNational City CA 91950 Call (619) 216-6663 for appointment.

Diabetic Info
The Diabetic Mall: www.diabetesnet.comAmerican Diabetic Association: 2 Diabetes :